PRIME, CHOICE o SELECT? Una gran pregunta para los “carnívoros”

PRIME, CHOICE o SELECT? Una gran pregunta para los “carnívoros”

En el menú de un buen restaurante, en la sección de carnes, probablemente veas que especifican la carne si es Prime, Choice o Select. ¿Pero qué significa esto? En Estados Unidos, la USDA (el organismo que regula la agricultura, ganadería y alimentación), clasifica la carne dependiendo de su calidad. Los amantes de la buena carne recomiendan comprar carne que […]

EXPO CAFÉ CDMX : no me puedo olvidar del primer aroma de café mexicano recien tostado…motor de una pasión imparable

EXPO CAFÉ CDMX : no me puedo olvidar del primer aroma de café mexicano recien tostado…motor de una pasión imparable

En 2018 fue cuando me acerqué a mi primera EXPO CAFE de CDMX y es el momento que reconozco que me dió un impulso para investigar y conocer todos las fases del proceso de esta fantástica industria. Y mover esta pasión imparable. Expo Café, el evento más importante de Café en México, celebrará su edición 26 […]

Best rated Pasta Dishes in the World – Tasteatlas

Best rated Pasta Dishes in the World – Tasteatlas

Tagliatelle al ragù alla Bolognese Tagliatelle al ragù alla Bolognese is a traditional Italian dish originating from Bologna, consisting of tagliatelle pasta and a rich ragù made with a mixture of minced beef and pork, and tomatoes as key ingredients. 2 PASTA Pasta carbonara ROME, ITALY The carbonara we know today is prepared by simply […]

Italy takes center stage at the Summer Fancy Food 2023

Italy takes center stage at the Summer Fancy Food 2023

In the first quarter of this year, the Italian agri-food sector, together with the beverage sector, recorded a significant increase of 40.7% in exports to the United States. This result is in line with the overall increase in exports to the USA, which in the same period reached +12.9%, confirming positive signs for the Italian […]

Las Mascotas: la “humanización” de su alimento es la tendencia de los proximos años

Las Mascotas: la “humanización” de su alimento es la tendencia de los proximos años

Humanizar a los perros y gatos hoy en día es una tendencia y de acuerdo con la firma de investigación de mercado Mordor Intelligence, esto ha propiciado que los dueños de #mascotas, en particular de perros, no se preocupen tanto por lo que gastan en su salud y alimento. Por ello, para 2028 el #mercado de alimento para […]

50 Best Rated FLATBREADS in the World : Piadina Romagnola 6th and Mexican tortilla 37th, do you agree?

50 Best Rated FLATBREADS in the World : Piadina Romagnola 6th and Mexican tortilla 37th, do you agree? TasteAtlas food rankings are based on the ratings of the TasteAtlas audience, with a series of mechanisms that recognize real users and that ignore bot, nationalist or local patriotic ratings, and give additional value to the ratings of users that the system recognizes as knowledgeable. For the “50 Best Rated Flatbreads in the World” […]

400 Linkedin Followers Cucinamatte : Thank you all

We have reached 400+ LinkedIn company page followers! Thank you for sharing your social journey with us. Our goal is to go beyond the following count and to make valuable connections on a global level, as we share content that is most relevant to you. Not following us yet? Join the journey to stay updated on the latest […]

Fancy Food: fake Made in Italy is worth 120 billion, 1/3 in the USA

Fancy Food: fake Made in Italy is worth 120 billion, 1/3 in the USA

The value of counterfeit Made in Italy food products in the world rises to 120 billion with the United States classified as the country where counterfeit Italian productions register the highest turnovers. This is the alarm raised by Coldiretti and Filiera Italia on the occasion of the most important world trade fair event dedicated to […]

Specialty COFFEE and high-end DESIGN projects: a match for “aficionados” enthusiasts

Both coffee and design require a certain level of attention to detail and an appreciation for aesthetics. This is what “MADE IN ITALY” concept represents for me, as a Sales Rep of Italian high end furnitures : the spasmodic research to the perfection of the details. For designers, coffee can be a great source of […]
